DTN: Trying to Stay Competitive
As Jerry Jennissen stood before a group of guests eating a light salad, he explained the history of his central Minnesota dairy farm from the Homestead Act up to when he and his wife bought the place in the early 1980s. Read more… https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/news/farm-life/article/2019/08/12/stronger-dairy-prices-dmc-program
St. Cloud Times: Redhead Creamery wins national award for whiskey-washed cheese named for saint
Redhead Creamery earned its first American Cheese Society award medal at the society's 2019 competition in Richmond, Virgina, for a cheese that was born of a miraculous (and delicious) mistake. Read more… https://www.sctimes.com/story/news/local/2019/08/09/redhead-creamery-national-award-american-cheese-society-saint-anthony-brooten-central-minnesota/1967497001/
Univ. of MN: Her passion for cheese changed the family farm
There’s an all-too-common story of the younger generation being unable to join the parents on the family farm because it can’t sustain two (or more) families, says U of M graduate Alise Sjostrom. Read more… https://twin-cities.umn.edu/her-passion-cheese-changed-family-farm
Jer-Lindy Farms LLC of Brooten, Minn., Named 2017 Innovative Dairy Farmer of the Year
(Washington, D.C. – January 12, 2017) Jer-Lindy Farms LLC of Brooten, Minn., has been selected as the 2017 Innovative Dairy Farmer of the Year by the award’s co-sponsors, the International Dairy Foods Association and Dairy Herd Management magazine. The award recognizes U.S. dairy producers that apply creativity, excellence and forward thinking to achieve greater on-farm productivity and improved milk marketing. “We’re pleased to honor Jer-Lindy Farms with this award for two reasons,” said Michael Dykes, D.V.M., IDFA president and CEO. “The owners found innovative ways to expand and keep younger family members engaged in the operations. They also have initiated...
Building a Business for a Sustainable Future
Alise Jennissen came back from the National 4-H Dairy Conference in 2002, and with the confidence only a 17-year-old red head can muster, told her parents they needed to build a farmstead cheese operation on their dairy.She said: "This is what I want to do and this is what we need to do." She argued it would be a wonderful way to add value to the high solids milk they were already producing and her opportunity to stay on the 200-cow dairy, make a living and raise a family just as she had growing up. Her parents, Jerry and Linda,...
Innovating Farm Sustainability: Jer-Lindy Farms and Redhead Creamery
Originally published at : https://www.midwestdairy.com/innovating-farm-sustainability-jer-lindy-farms-and-redhead-creamery/A dedication to sustainability and energy efficiency is second nature for Jer-Lindy Farms in Brooten, Minnesota. The 258-acre farm uses the most sustainable methods to cultivate corn and alfalfa and provide the best environment for its 200 dairy cows. And now the family has found a way to ensure the future of the family farm with its latest venture, the high-profile Redhead Creamery, which is attracting interest from people all over the country who are hungry for its artisan cheese and story of the next-generation farming legacy. For its innovation in sustainable farming, Jer-Lindy Farms has...
Our Governor likes what we’ve done with Water Quality
Farming is an independent job. We get to choose how we manage our land, our animals, our time, and our money to a great extent. But, many people do not realize the relationship we have working both with and under government regulations.One such example is the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Control Program (MAWQCP). This new initiative came from Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton in an effort to continue improving Minnesota’s water quality. In just the first year, over 100 farms signed up without much effort, meaning that they were already using the best practices as directed by the state and federal...
2nd Annual Not Your Average Book Fair
It’s amazing that we’re already hosting something for the second time. Time flies when you’re having a good time.June Dairy Month is just around the corner and we’ve put together another fun book fair with Jody from Usborne Books, for you and your children. So what happens during a ‘Not Your Average Book Fair’? We will be have a reading corner every hour, on the hour in the cheese shop and children will have the opportunity to go outside and pet the animals they were just learning about. We plan to have a baby calf, goats, a sheep and some...
Redhead Creamery's Killer Brie
Redhead Creamery has found its groove with a brie that’s so good you’ll want to buy two at a time.by Stephanie MarchYou gotta love the next-gen ag kids who infuse energy into the old family farm. Alise Sjostrom grew up among the cows and cats of Jer-Lindy Farms in Brooten, about an hour west of St. Cloud. When she was 16, she decided she wanted to make cheese, and eventually designed a major that allowed her to do that at the University of Minnesota, before immersing herself in Vermont’s farmstead cheese-making culture. She then returned home and dug into the...
WCCO 4’s Finding Minnesota : Redhead Creamery
Many dairy farmers never get to see their customers enjoying their products. But for a family near Brooten, that is a thrill they experience every day. Read more… https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2016/03/06/finding-minnesota-redhead-creamery/