Cheese Lovers Newletter (6.14.2020): Farm Projects

Hello Friends,
WOW! When we put out a new offer you sure deliver. We were able to already sell 45 of the Victory Cheese Boxes, and have just five remaining.
Also, after several weeks of running out, we have Macaroni and Cheese, Hamburger Patties and Ground Beef in big supply. So order now (before it is gone!).
On the farm: This summer has been incredible. We went from record low milk prices in April to near-record high this month, and moderate prices for the rest of the year. Plus, our cows are doing extremely well. If you stop by the farm, you'll hopefully soon notice a few construction projects of things we've wanted for a while. The most likely is a new bulk milk tank. As the cows are up in milk, the milk literally doesn't fit from four milkings like it used to! This is a good problem. If we can't find a tank, we can ask the milk truck to come every day for a bit until we have a tank that can keep us on every-other-day pickup.
We've been asked: What happens if my cheese is shipped, and gets warm?
As it is summer and with high shipping rates due to coronavirus, we have the very rare cheese delivery get stuck on a warm truck. The good news is those of you on our Fargo (this week, Wednesday!) Sioux Falls, Rochester or Twin Cities routes can avoid this with our $7.50 delivery. But if you're a UPS shipper, have no fear. If the cheese gets too warm, we will make it right with you. But, what is "too warm"? Good question.
Answer: Ideally the cheese is at refrigerator temperature until the time you serve it. Then you want it to warm up to room temperature to ensure you get to taste all the flavor. But, if it does get warm, most cheese is pretty resilient. Consider, we age our cheeses at 50 to 60 degrees F, and then stick them in the fridge for a few days or weeks before sending them out. In Europe, many cheeses sit on the kitchen county and are devoured over time. So, outside of our soft cheeses - the North Fork Whiskey Washed Munster and Little Lucy Brie - we are confident that so long as a cheese hasn't "melted" it will still be in good shape for you to consume.
Have a great week!
Alise, Lucas, Linda and Jerry