Cheese Lovers Newsletter (10.2.2020): We were on RFD-TV!

We took a break from the newsletter last week with no route. We’ve shifted to making cheese consistently three days per week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and are still finishing up our building projects. Here's what's happening at Redhead Creamery with our East Metro/Rochester Route next Wednesday (order by Tuesday at 7 a.m.)
In partnership with Holstein Association USA’s Holstein America series, we were featured on RFD-TV last week for a six-minute segment about our operations and involvement with the Holstein breed. Take a watch, here:
Black Lives Matter Brie – Only 3 left!
You did it! We sold an entire batch of the 150 BLM Brie and completed our $1,200 donation to P’s and Q’s Etiquette of Fargo, minus three little wheels. Plus, we know there were additional donations to P’s and Q’s separately. If you want a BLM Brie, we only have 3 individual pieces left so we have removed them from the website and will ask you to leave a note when you buy a regular Brie for delivery.
As you can imagine, there was some understandable tension in naming something Black Lives Matter Brie. We only meant to do our small part in supporting the lives of our fellow men and women of the black race as we all continue the search for justice. But, in addition to product alliteration, we felt that by naming something more “watered down” we wouldn’t be bringing the awareness we sought that our black brothers and sisters, and people of color generally, need to be heard from and listened to at this time. We’re going to focus on cheese for the foreseeable future, but hearing the stories of our friends and neighbors we feel good about standing up for our fellow man for just one batch of brie. THANK YOU for your support.
Little Lucy Brie available here – buy now.
At the Cheese Shop
We’ve got soup and a small takeaway platter available every Saturday, as we remain open 12 to 2:30 Friday and Saturday, with farm tours at 12:30 p.m.
We’ll return with a question of the week next week. Thanks for reading, and stay cheesy!
Alise, Linda, Lucas & Jerry