Garlic Cheddar Cheese & Sausage Bake

Garlic Cheddar Cheese & Sausage Bake Recipe - Redhead Creamery

A good break­fast is the best way to get your day off to a great start. So why not pre­pare it the night before and make it easy on your­self? This recipe can be made savory or sweet. We like both ver­sions equally, but had to share the cheese one for obvi­ous reasons.

For the sweet ver­sion, sim­ply replace the sausage and cheese with your favorite fruit pre­serves and bananas (or other fruit).

Prep Time: 5 min­utes

Cook Time: 35 min­utes

Total Time: 40 min­utes

Yield: 4 serv­ings


  • 4–6 medium crois­sants, cut in half
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 6 sausage links, sliced
  • 1 cup Redhead Creamery Garlic Ched­dar Cheese, shredded


    1. In an 8×8 square bak­ing dish, evenly place bot­tom halves of crois­sants, face down. Next, spread around the sausage slices over the crois­sant halves. Top the sausage slices with 3/4 of the cheese.
    2. In a glass mea­sur­ing bowl, whisk together the milk, cream, and eggs. Pour half of the mix­ture over the croissant/sausage/cheese. Top with the remain­ing crois­sant halves, round side up. Evenly cover with remain­ing egg mix­ture and top with the remain­ing cheese.
    3. Cover dish with plas­tic wrap and refrig­er­ate for at least one hour, up to overnight. *I make it the night before so it’s ready for break­fast the next morning.
    4. Pre­heat oven to 350 degrees F. Place dish in oven and bake for about 30–35 min­utes. It should no longer jiggle.
    5. Serve warm.

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